Badly written userscripts could potentially also be exploited by malicious websites.Įxplanations taken from Why user scripts?įree Code Camp has a lot of great real world projects that will enrich your skill set and portfolio. They are often permitted to carry out functions that scripts on normal websites cannot, such as storing information on your computer and sharing it between website. Userscripts can carry out actions on your behalf and can potentially access any information on a website you have access to, or that you enter into a website. A quick warning You should be aware of privacy issues when using userscripts, and should not install them from sources you do not trust.
The scripts only effect your browser, not the actual webpage. User scripts are written in JavaScript and allow you to tweak the look and feel of a webpage on your browser. They give users the power to make websites do what they want them to, rather than what was originally intended. user.js) are open-source licensed add-ons for web browsers that change web pages as they are loaded. What is a user script? Userscripts (a.k.a User Scripts, User scripts, or. It takes you out of the editor into the browser with real time feedback and validation. Writing a Userscript is a fun way to use your JavaScript skills. By Thomas Noe Applying JavaScript: User Scripts Art credit